Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Attitude of Gratitude Tuesday

Another Tuesday is before us. I am grateful for so many things lately. Like Big Papa for instance! He is the most lovely, hilarious, nerdy guy I know. He is super supportive of any ventures I want to try. Plus he is the funnest person to be around. He has a really weird sense of humor and he makes me laugh every day. He has a big bushy beard and wears big geek glasses both of those things I love! He plays the acoustic guitar and writes kick ass music! He breaks me out of my shell and allows me to be myself. He makes me better and my life better. Plus when he snores at night all I have to do is rub his shoulder and he turns over and stops! HA HA!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sunday Songs

I love this song! It is The Cave by Mumford and Son's. The banjo speaks to my soul! Which in turn means I like any song that has the banjo in it. Even the country songs which I am not usually a fan of. ENJOY!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Attitude of Grattitude Tuesday on a Wednesday?!

I am behind on pretty much every post! What is the deal!? Oh I will tell you! I am a mother of two toddlers who works part time. December as you all know is a busy busy month and it becomes even busier when your girl baby turns two! Between the Christmas prep, the girl baby birthday and work I have been crazy busy. Please forgive me! I am going to resolve to be a better blogger! New Year Resolutions are a calling me! SO anyway! Onto what I am grateful for today and yesterday too! I love love little fawn figurines! They make me smile. I love that they capture the way they stand a little wobbly! So sweet. They look like Christmas to me. A happy Christmas Eve with snow falling and cocoa with heart shaped marshmallows! I love them so much that I may have to start up a little collection to bust out at Christmas time! Both of the fawns below are for sale on Etsy!

and here!

Don't you just love Etsy? I may even start my collection with this one! Oh the choices!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sunday Songs- Christmas Style!

Mele Kalikimaka!

I love this song! My grandparents had an old silver boom box when I was growing up and one tape they had for it was a Bing Crosby's Christmas album. It had mostly super classic Christmas songs but it had a few that were a little different. This is one of them. I probably love this song so much because I remember going to their house and listening to this on that old Boom box. Brings back tender moments!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

I found this over at Jandeecrafts today and had to share! By the way Jandee is dandee! Check out the fantastically talented Emily's blog for sure! She has such great ideas! Oh oh and her Etsy shop! This is something that any believer needs. Any non-believers should be beat!! My parents motto growing up was if you don't believe you DON"T receive! This is a site that makes it so you can make custom messages for anyone from Santa. It takes a just a few minutes to put together and wallah! you have a custom message! It is really well made too. It actually sounds like a true message that was recorded by Santa for your lucky recipient. Both the girl baby and boy baby are going to be getting one. And possibly Big Papa. And to be totally honest I will probably be receiving one as well! Who doesn't want a message from the big guy?
Check it out here!
Oh and it is totally free! Can I get a what what?!


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Attitude of Gratitude Tuesday

I am going to do a Christmas/Wintery Attitude of Gratitude every week in December! I love winter. It is by far my absolute favorite season. Starting beginning of October til about the second week in January I am a happy girl! Keeping in a winter sprite spirit I am grateful this week for paper snowflakes!!! They truly are little pieces of art. It is a quick and easy way to add some beautiful handmade winter awesomeness to your home. I love the whole process of making them. My favorite part of making them is unfolding and seeing what you created. I think it is really awesome that I can't seem to duplicate them. They are all unique just like we are all unique! I need to remember that. I often times try to push someone who is clearly a star into a heart hole. Not good for them and not good for me. To take this from serious to light I have a cool blog post that gives a little tutorial on folding the paper so you can get acreatin' some paper snowflakes. It is on a really neat blog called
Here's lookin at me kid. She is awesome! She has a great vintage style that isn't overwhelming. Check out the snowflake tut here

And for you crazy's out there that want to go all out here is a tutorial for making

Monday, December 6, 2010

Quick hello!

Everyone head over to Jandeecrafts and enter her give-away for a pillow pet! How can you not love that?! It's a pillow! It's a pet! It's a pillow pet! And a panda one to boot. How
cute is that? Check it out!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sunday Songs- Christmas style!

I am excited to do Christmas songs all month long! This is a good one by Owl City. Adam is a very talented kid and fun to see live. Please enjoy!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Chicken Pocket Pies!

Forgive the blurry picture! I was so excited to eat these babies that I was shaking! These are the definition of comfort food. They were delightful and are now a regular in my rotation. I mean how can you get better than a pocket version of a chicken pot pie? It is mobile people!! They are a little labor intensive but totally worth it. And by labor intensive I mean that you actually make the dough for the crust. That is big for me! I got the recipe off of the shutterbean website who got it from this book. Which is now on my christmas list for sure! Oh how that list grows! The only thing I changed from shutterbean's version is that I added some Emerils chicken seasonings instead of the dill. Plus I left out the peas. Other than that it is word for word. I did find out however that you need about double the dough. As you can tell from my photo I overfilled and had them leaking everywhere. That didn't diminish the wonderful flavor though! They freeze really well from what shutterbean tells me (oh yeah as thought she is talking to me specifically! HA! I wish!) so next time I am tripling the batch or even quadrupling the batch and freezing a ton! Or maybe just the filling. I can imagine that it would be great in a huge pie size chicken pot pie. Please try it! You will be pleased or you are crazy!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Belated Sunday Songs

I really like this song. And this group for that matter. My husband introduced me to it a few weeks ago. Here is to you Florence + The Machine! Oh and Florence says this song is not about domestic violence. It is about people pushing each other to the extreme psychologically. I say whatever she says! It sounds awful violent to me. Plus it sounds a whole lot like a White Stripes song. Like it may be almost exactly the same tune. But I digress! I still like it!