Monday, January 24, 2011

Looky looky what I made! Skinny ties!

I was inspired to make some skinny ties for Nick after I saw how crazy expensive they are! What can I say? I am all about the deals. Then along came this tutorial on design mom. What are the chances? I have been sitting on this little project for a while but I finally got around to it and I am glad I did! They are super inexpensive and crazy easy to make. Two of my favorite things! I spent 4 bucks total on the two ties at the DI and already had the notions for making them. I say 4 dollars for two silk skinny ties is not bad. I am already wanting to make a bunch more. No tie in my house will be safe! I am even planning on miniaturizing some ties for the Boy baby. He loves wearing ties when he sees daddy wearing ties! Maybe I will be getting some myself. I think I could pull it off. I wish I had taken some before pictures! They were eighties style wide ties.

Oh and if you haven't already you should really check out design mom! It is a great site. She has wonderful ideas and new posts all the time!

Check out my killer pictures! HA! That was a joke people! I asked Nick to channel his days modeling for Nordstrom's! Apparently he forgot how to do it in the last twenty years! You get the idea though, right?

Nice wrinkled shirt, eh?
He is awful sexy though! I like his wiggle! He he!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday Songs

Good good song. This is Scarlett Johansson and Pete Yorn. Great duo. Give it a listen!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Valentine Dessert on Jandeecrafts

How cute is this? It is a twinkie! I am so excited to do this for the kids on Valentines Day! I might not be able to wait until then to do it though. Early Valentines dessert? Who says Valentines only has to be one day? Check it out and other cute projects and crafts at the ever awesome Jandeecrafts! I check this blog once a day cause it is so great! One of my favorite posts is this one. Hilarious!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Attitude of Gratitude Tuesday

And also for Cookie Monster! You hear that Sesame Street?! What is the world coming to that cookie monster has to change his name and image?

I am greatful today for COOKIES!! And for all the fantastic blogs and websites that share their delightful recipes. How i love cookies! Let me count the ways!

1. They are an individual little dessert

2. They are delicious

3. There are about a million different ways to make cookies

4. They cook up fast (usually)

and and and....

These are recipes I am currently wanting to try

Kevin and Amanda's Mascarpone Oreo Snowflake Cookies

My Kitchen Cafe Sugar cookies

Peanut Butter Cup Cookies

I have already made these and holy hannah! They are delightful!

Cream Cheese Snowball Cookies

There are so many wonderful recipes out there! So so many that I can't even list them all here! It is time to get out there and get a bakin' people! Crap! I think I am out of sugar..... well I will be dreaming about cookies tonight at least!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunday Songs

Any one else absolutely in love with Zooey Deschanel? Cause I have to say that she is one of my lady crushes this year and every year since I first saw her pretty face. This music duo is so fun! It is Zooey Deschanel and Matt Ward. This is how they describe their music on their website:

She & Him make music for an eternal springtime, when the temperature is warm enough to go riding with the top (or at least the windows) rolled down and the radio turned up.

How true that is!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Stove Top Popcorn! Oh yummy!

My family has a tradition every year of having popcorn and fudge on New Year's Eve. We always have microwave popcorn. Well this year I decided that microwave popcorn was just not good enough. No more film stuck to the roof of my mouth thank you! So I got on the google machine and looked at about a gazillion recipes and tutorials for stove top popcorn. I made 2 big batches a couple days before New Years Eve (and an obscene amount since then!) to test it out and figured out how to make it perfect! It was surprisingly easy. I will never use microwave popcorn again!


A large heavy bottomed pot with a tight fitting lid-
I used an enamel cast iron dutch oven.

A great big bowl

1/3 c. oil-
you want to use one that handles high heat
such as vegetable oil, canola oil or peanut oil.

1/2 cup popcorn kernels-
I used the cheap bagged kind and
it worked perfectly!

1/2 cube to a whole cube of butter-
I used a whole cube because I
made one batch right after the other.
So only 1/2 cube for one batch

Salt to taste.

Pour your oil into your pot. You just really need enough oil to give the bottom of your pot a good coat. Start with your pot on the stove on high heat. Throw in ten or so kernels of corn. Put on lid tightly. Wait until the kernels start to pop and throw in the 1/2 cup popcorn kernels. Put the lid back on and remove from heat for 30 seconds. Then put your pot back on stove and turn heat down to medium high. Prop open lid and start shaking that baby!! Keep on shaking until you hear 1-3 seconds between pops. Take it off the heat and pour right into the big bowl. Immediately put butter in the still hot pot and melt the butter. Do not put it back on the heat or the butter will burn. Then pour over popcorn and stir it up. Then put some salt in there to taste and mix it up again. Enjoy!

Couple of notes:
*I have seen recipes that say you can leave it alone while it pops and just shake it after you first put the kernels in but I found better results when I shook it the whole time.

*I made the mistake of propping the lid of the pot towards me. Not a good idea! It gets pretty active and I got steam burns and splatters of oil shooting me in the eye! Yes my eye!!!

* The 30 seconds off the heat makes it turn it out so well! It helps bring the temp down enough so you don't burn the popcorn.

*Oh and don't use margarine! No only is that kind of gross but the popcorn soaks it up so you will have soggy pieces right next to pieces that are dry and plain. Sorry for all you margarine lovers but I am a butter advocate! It makes everything better!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Sweet Heart wreath!

To be totally honest I am posting this so I can remember that I want to do it and which blog I found the tutorial at. I love this wreath! It is right up my alley! It came from the idea room. It is a great great blog with lots of tutorials and recipes and the like. Check out the TUT for this wreath here! I am excited to do some Valentine crafts. Valentines Day is Big Papa's birthday so decorating and doing some crafts with the boy and girl babies is pretty much the only celebrating I get to do! Any one feel bad for me? Ha HA!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Attitude of Grattitude Tuesday

Oh the joy that is Nordic Ware's Baker's Joy! This stuff is the best! I bought two funfetti cake mixes from Target the other day. They were .44 cents each. Yes my friend, you read that right! Forty Four cents!!! Granted they were holiday ones. So all green and red but I couldn't have cared less cause they taste the same and that taste is oh so good! I baked one with Baker's Joy and one I greased and floured the pan. Guess which one turned out perfect and the other had pockets of flour on the bottom. I had to peel the bottom off the one so I woulen't get a mouthful of flour. It was not pretty! The Baker's Joy cake kicked the hand greased and floured cakes hiney! Hands down! I probably over greased the one pan I didn by hand. And really I could have probably done just fine with hand greasing but why bother? Especially when baker's joy is awesome and relatively inexpensive? I was going to add a link to get a coupon but every place online that has a coupon for it requires you to sign up to get their emails and emails from a million different sponsors. Not my cup of tea! It is only 3 or 4 dollars at most any grocery store and considering how little you need it is still a fantastic deal! You can even order it online here if you want! I am so grateful for creations like these!

*note: I am in no way being compensated by Nordic Ware. I just love the product!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sunday Songs

I have already put this song up once but this is the music video. This song makes me almost cry every time I hear it. Not sure why but there you go!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year!!

It is 2011! I hope your new years eve was fantastic! Mine was quiet and fun. The only thing I would have changed is I would have dressed up! I kept thinking I should but never did. Oh well! Now I need to figure out what my resolutions will be. I have so many to choose from this year! What resolutions do you have this year? Help a girl out!

New years day at my house growing up meant the Bitner family party and hoppin john. We have hoppin john every single year. Hoppin john is a black eyed pea, carrot, bacon delight! It traditionally is made with a ham hock but my mom always put bacon in it. You put it over rice and it is so good! They make it onthe south and it is supposed to bring you good luck! Who doesn't need a little lucky charm every once in a while? Oh it sounds wonderful right now! What traditions do you have on New Years Day?