Monday, October 4, 2010

Frumptown USA

There is a little place that is known as Frumptown! I am the mayor and only citizen of this place!! You all know what I am tallking about.

I have become a frumpy frump lady. I allowed myself to get like this because I figured I had already caught my man and I have a couple kids under my belt so what is the point of putting in the effort of being attractive and sexy. What is wrong with me?! It should be the exact opposite. I got so involved in cooking, cleaning, changing diapers and all the day in and day out job of being a wife and mother that I let myself fall to the wayside. Well no more!! I am saying no to mom jeans and messy ponytails with stickers and cheerios stuck all up in it! No longer will I go out in public sans mascara and wearing my husnbands old sweats!!

Thus begins my 30 day from frumptown challenge! For the next 30 days I will make every effort to be chic (or at least more presentable! HAHA!). I will be posting a daily picture of what I am looking like so there is proof! PLus I will be posting an anti- frumptown tip daily. I also have some fun easy tutuorials that I am pretty excited about. SO check back and give me some love! I will definitely need it!

1 comment:

  1. I am really excited to follow along and hopefully join in. (I say this as I am sitting here in my PJ's at 2 in the afternoon.) I know I get more done if I am dressed. (Especially if I have shoes on. and I think a bra has magical powers in the get things done dept!!LOL!) I want to do it!
